Please be mindful of your surroundings and aware of how your actions affect you, your surroundings and others. Martial arts practice is a great way to build awareness, so enter each training session with a heightened sense of awareness. This will help foster a safe environment for all to train and learn.
Before Entering the Dojo

Make sure your gi (practice uniform) is clean. Your hands and feet should also be clean. Be sure your finger and toe nails are trimmed. Remove all jewelry before your training. Any jewelry that cannot be removed should be taped in place.

For the safety of all members, and for the respect of the art, no one will be allowed to practice while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. There will also be no drinking, eating, or chewing gum allowed on the mat.

Please respect the dojo space, HiFi Fitness, and their staff.

Before Class
The bowing we do in martial arts comes from a sense of gratitude for what others have achieved and passed on to us.

The floor of the dojo space will be cleaned before the mats are rolled out. When the mats are in place and the picture of O-Sensei has been put up, students may enter the mat. Please sit in seiza and bow to O-Sensei when entering the mat for the first time. There will be other times for sitting seiza and bowing during class which will be explained to you as you go through your training. New students should look to more experienced students for guidance and follow their example.

During Class

While the instructor is demonstrating a technique to the entire class, the students should sit quietly in either seiza or hanza and be attentive to the instruction being shown. Once the demonstration is complete, students should quickly and quietly pair-up and begin practicing. Newer students should not sit and wait to be selected by another student. Actively seek a partner that will help you learn what was shown.

While practicing with your partner, newer students should not offer advice on techniques or try to teach their partner. Students who are helping newer students should only give small amounts of advice to help the newer students understand what was being taught by the instructor. Always be focused and connected with your partner in practice and keep any discussion to an absolute minimum.

Check in with your partner before you start practicing a technique. The student of higher rank should be setting the pace for the practice and make sure it is within the limits of both parties. Safe practice is the priority over all else.

After Class

Students should bow to O-Sensei after class before they begin cleaning. The mats should be cleaned and then rolled up and put away. When we leave the space, it should be cleaner than it was when we entered it.

Discrimination or harassment of any kind will not be tolerated before, during, or after class. Aikido is for all to enjoy.